Printify 101: Building Your Print-on-Demand Business Step-by-Step

Printify 101

Starting a print-on-demand business is like having your own custom merchandise store without dealing with inventory or shipping logistics.

With print-on-demand, you only create products when someone places an order, making it a low-risk and cost-effective way to start your entrepreneurial journey.

Step 1: What is Print-on-Demand?

Print-on-demand is a business model where you sell your own custom designs on different types of products like t-shirts, mugs, posters, and more.

But here’s the cool part: you don’t have to worry about printing, storing, or shipping the products.

When a customer buys a product from your online store, your print-on-demand service takes care of everything for you.

They print your design on the product, pack it, and ship it directly to your customer.

You only pay for the product after you’ve sold it, which means you don’t need a big budget to start your business.

Why Start a Print-on-Demand Business in 2024?

Print-on-demand is a great business model for creative people who want to turn their designs into products that people can buy.

It’s also perfect for entrepreneurs who want to start a business without investing a lot of money upfront.

Plus, with the rise of online shopping, there’s never been a better time to start a print-on-demand business than in 2024!

Pros and Cons of Print-on-Demand

Like any business model, print-on-demand has its pros and cons.

On the plus side, it’s easy to start, requires little investment, and lets you sell unique products that stand out.

On the downside, your profit margins might be lower than if you were manufacturing your own products.

But don’t worry, we’ll guide you through all the steps to help you start a successful print-on-demand business.

Step 2: How to get started with Print on Demand

Now that you’re familiar with the concept of print-on-demand, its advantages and disadvantages, and the reasons why it’s a good idea to get started, let’s delve into how you can begin this journey.

Market Research

Before you jump into creating designs, it’s important to understand the market.

  • What are people buying?
  • What trends are popular?

Spend some time browsing online stores, social media, and print-on-demand sites to get a feel for what’s selling. This will help you create designs that people want to buy.

Defining Your Niche

Once you have an idea of the market, it’s time to choose your niche. This is a specific area or topic that your designs will focus on.


Maybe you’re passionate about nature and want to create designs with beautiful landscapes. Or perhaps you love funny quotes and want to put them on t-shirts.

Choosing a niche can help you stand out and attract a specific group of customers.

Setting Up Your Business Plan [Optional]

Now that you have your niche, it’s time to plan your business. Think about how you’ll price your products, how you’ll market them, and what your goals are.

Having a clear plan can help you stay focused and organized as you start your print-on-demand business.

Step 3: Getting Started with Printify

Now that you’ve done your market research, chosen your niche, and set up your business plan, it’s time to get started with Printify.

Printify is a print-on-demand platform that will handle the printing and shipping of your products. Let’s dive into how to set up your Printify account and navigate the platform.

Setting Up Your Printify Account

Setting up your Printify account is easy.

Just go to the Printify website and click on the “Start for free” button.

You’ll need to provide some basic information like your name, email address, and password. Once you’ve filled out the form, click on “Create Account” to finish setting up your account.

Creating your first product on Printify

You’ve successfully signed up and now you’re on your Printify dashboard, ready to create your first product.

This is your first step into the business world, which is incredibly exciting. Here’s how you can do it:

Create your first store now and you can get a free gift! 😉

Choose Your Product:

Start by heading over to the ‘Product Catalog’. Here, you’ll find a wide array of products you can print your designs on. Take your time to browse and select a product that you feel best fits your design.

Design Your Product:

There are many different ways to design your product in Printify. 👇

Use Printify’s Design Tool:

Once you’ve chosen a product, you’ll see an option to ‘Start Designing’. Click on it to open Printify’s design tool. Here, you can create your design using various features like text, shapes, and colors.

Upload Your Design: 

If you already have a design ready, you can upload it directly to Printify. Just click on ‘Upload Design’ and select your design file from your computer.

Make sure your design is in a format supported by Printify and meets the recommended size and resolution for the best print quality.

Hiring a Designer:

If you’re not confident in your design skills, you can hire a designer to help you. There are many freelance designers who specialize in print-on-demand designs.

You can find them on freelance platforms like Upwork and Fiverr. Remember to look at their portfolio to see if their style matches what you’re looking for.

Using AI Tool:

Printify recently added an AI image generator that can create a design in less than a minute by just writing a good prompt.

Adjust Your Design:

After uploading your design, you’ll have the option to adjust it to your chosen product. You can resize, reposition, or rotate your design to get it just right.

Make sure to use the preview feature to see how your design will look on the product.

Set the Title & Description:

You’ll need to write a title and description for your product. Printify has already provided these for you, but feel free to make any changes you see fit.

Just make sure to check for any grammar mistakes and try to choose a catchy title. If you need help, you can always use an AI tool.

Set Your Pricing:

Now that you’re satisfied with your design, title, and description; it’s time to set your pricing.

Printify will show you the cost of producing the product, and you can set your retail price accordingly. This will determine your profit margin.

While a profit margin of 40% is suggested, you have the flexibility to set it higher or lower according to your preference.

Printify Pricing

Connect Your Store:

Linking your store is a crucial step in establishing your business, as you need a platform to showcase your products.

If you don’t have a store yet, don’t worry, there’s a surprise waiting for you. Here are the steps to connect your store to Printify:

Add New Store:

Click on the ‘Add Store’ button. You’ll see a list of e-commerce platforms that Printify can integrate with.

Choose Your E-commerce Platform:

Select the e-commerce platform that you’re using for your online store.

Printify supports integration with popular platforms like Shopify, Etsy, BigCommerce, eBay, Walmart and more.

Printify stores

If you don’t have an online store, don’t worry! 

Printify has a solution for you – the Printify Pop-Up Store. It’s a quick-launch eCommerce storefront that allows you to sell products without any digital retail or marketing experience.

You can generate a unique pop-up store page under a “” URL and share it as a direct purchase gateway. The best part? It’s completely free! This means you can start selling your custom products today without any upfront costs

Need some advice?

Watch this short video about the pros and cons of marketplaces vs. standalone stores.

Follow the Instructions:

After selecting your e-commerce platform, Printify will guide you through the process of connecting your store. This usually involves logging into your e-commerce platform and giving Printify permission to access your store.

Confirm the Integration:

Once you’ve followed the instructions, your online store should be connected to Printify. You can confirm this by going back to the ‘Stores’ section on Printify. Your online store should now be listed there.

Publishing Your Product:

After you’ve linked your store, simply hit the ‘Publish’ button. Congratulations, your store is now live and ready for business!

Step 4: Marketing Your Printify Products

Now that you’ve created your products and set up your online store, it’s time to attract customers.

Marketing is all about getting your products in front of the right people. Here’s how you can do it:

Building a Social Media Presence

Social media is a great way to reach a large audience without spending a lot of money. Here’s how you can use it to market your Printify products:

social media image

Choose the right platforms:

Different social media platforms attract different types of audiences.

Instagram and Pinterest are great for visual content and can work well for showcasing your products. Facebook and Twitter are good for sharing updates and engaging with your audience.

Post regularly:

Consistency is key on social media. Try to post at least once a day so that your audience stays engaged.

Engage with your audience:

Respond to comments, answer questions, and interact with your audience. This can help build a community around your brand.

Use hashtags:

Hashtags can help people discover your posts. Use popular hashtags that are relevant to your products.

Using Email Marketing

Email marketing allows you to reach your audience directly in their inbox. Here’s how you can use it effectively:

Build your email list:

You can collect email addresses from your customers when they purchase a product. You can also offer a discount or freebie in exchange for email addresses.

Send valuable content:

Don’t just send promotional emails. Share useful content like blog posts, design tips, and exclusive offers. This can help keep your audience engaged.

Personalize your emails:

Personalized emails can lead to higher open rates. Use your customer’s name in the email and tailor the content to their interests.

Optimizing Your Store for Search Engines (SEO)

SEO can help your store rank higher in search engine results, making it easier for potential customers to find you. Here’s how you can optimize your store:

Use keywords:

Keywords are the words and phrases that people type into search engines. Include relevant keywords in your product titles and descriptions.

Optimize your images:

Use clear, high-quality images for your products. Also, include relevant keywords in your image file names and alt text.

Get backlinks:

Backlinks are links from other websites to your store. They can improve your store’s SEO. You can get backlinks by reaching out to bloggers, influencers, and other relevant websites.

Step 5: Managing Your Printify Business

You’ve done it, your store is set up! Now comes the part of managing your store. It might seem daunting but don’t worry, it’s not too hard either.

With a good plan, you can manage your store really well. Now, let’s talk about how to manage your business effectively.

Handling Customer Service

Providing excellent customer service is key to building trust with your customers. Here’s how you can do it:

Respond promptly:

Try to respond to customer inquiries as quickly as possible. This shows your customers that you value their time and are there to help.

Be polite and professional:

Always maintain a polite and professional tone, even if a customer is upset. Remember, your goal is to solve their problem, not to win an argument.

Go the extra mile:

Whenever possible, try to exceed your customers’ expectations. This could be as simple as sending a thank you note with each order, or offering a small discount on their next purchase.

Tracking Your Sales and Inventory

Keeping track of your sales and inventory is crucial for managing your business. Here’s how you can do it:

Use Printify’s dashboard:

Printify’s dashboard provides an overview of your sales and orders. Use it to track your best-selling products, total revenue, and other important metrics.

Monitor your inventory:

Since Printify is a print-on-demand service, you don’t have to worry about physical inventory. However, you should keep an eye on the stock levels of the products offered by Printify’s suppliers.

Scaling Your Business with Printify

As your business grows, you might want to consider scaling up. Here’s how you can do it:

Add more products:

One of the easiest ways to scale your business is to add more products to your store. Consider expanding your product range or experimenting with new designs.

Expand your marketing efforts:

As you start to make more sales, consider investing more in your marketing efforts. This could involve running paid ads, collaborating with influencers, or launching a referral program.

Optimize your operations:

Look for ways to make your operations more efficient. This could involve automating certain tasks, improving your website’s loading speed, or streamlining your customer service process.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):

Frequently asked questions

Yes, you can absolutely make money from Printify! Printify is a popular print-on-demand platform that allows you to create and sell custom products online without the need for upfront costs or inventory.

The process is straightforward: you design your products, list them on your chosen e-commerce platform (like Shopify or Etsy) through Printify, and when a customer makes a purchase, Printify takes care of the production and shipping.

Printify offers a free plan that allows users to sign up and explore the platform without any upfront costs. This free plan gives you access to essential features, including product creation, mockup generators, and integration with your online store.

However, it’s essential to note that while Printify itself is free, there are costs associated with the actual printing and fulfillment of products.

The pricing structure includes the base cost of the product, printing costs, and additional fees for premium features or expedited shipping. Therefore, while you can start your Printify journey without spending money on the platform itself, there are costs involved in producing and delivering your custom-designed products.

With Printify, your earnings depend on several factors, including product pricing, production costs, and your chosen profit margin. As a print-on-demand platform, Printify allows you to set your own prices for products, giving you control over your profit.

Here’s a simple breakdown of how payments work:

  1. Base Cost: This is the production cost of the item, which includes manufacturing and material expenses.

  2. Profit Margin: You decide how much profit you want to make on each sale. This is the amount you earn beyond the base cost.

  3. Retail Price: The final price your customers pay is the sum of the base cost and your profit margin.

  4. Payment from Sales: Your earnings are the retail price minus the base cost. This amount is credited to your account when a customer makes a purchase.

It’s important to note that your payment frequency and method may vary depending on the integration with your chosen eCommerce platform (e.g., Shopify, Etsy).

In summary, the more products you sell and the higher your profit margins, the more you can earn with Printify. Regularly reviewing and adjusting your pricing strategy can help optimize your earnings over time.

Yes, Printify simplifies the shipping process for your online store. When you use Printify, you’re connected to a network of top-tier print providers.

These providers not only handle the printing of your custom products but also take care of the shipping. The shipping details, including rates and delivery times, are often specified by the chosen print provider during the product creation process.

This streamlined approach allows you to focus on designing and selling, leaving the logistics of printing and shipping in capable hands. So, yes, Printify effectively manages the shipping aspect of your print-on-demand business.

Yes, you can absolutely use your own photos on Printify! The platform allows you to personalize products with your unique designs and images.

Whether it’s a custom artwork, a personal photo, or a graphic you’ve created, simply upload your image during the product creation process.

This feature empowers you to showcase your creativity and create one-of-a-kind items for your customers.

Absolutely! Printify welcomes the sale of AI-generated art. In fact, the platform is designed to accommodate a wide range of creative designs, including those generated by artificial intelligence.

Key Takeaways

Here are some key points to remember:

Print-on-demand is a great business model: It allows you to sell custom products without worrying about inventory or shipping.

Printify makes it easy: With Printify, you can create and sell your own designs on a variety of products. They handle the printing and shipping for you.

Marketing is crucial: Building a strong social media presence, using email marketing, and optimizing your store for search engines can help attract customers to your store.

Good customer service is key: Responding promptly and professionally to customer inquiries can help build trust and encourage repeat business.

Keep track of your performance: Use Printify’s dashboard to monitor your sales and inventory, and make adjustments as needed.

We’d love to hear your thoughts on this guide. Do you have any questions or comments? Feel free to share them below. Your interaction is highly appreciated!

Ahmad Seyar Hasir

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